Our Journal is filled with stories and everything Aermeda.

Misconceptions about beard balm
In their various shapes, sizes, and styles, a beard is as unique as the individual who wears it. With the rise in popularity of facial hair, grooming products have become a staple for many men seeking to maintain healthy, well-groomed beard. Aermeda has developed a ‘dream team’ for those who favour facial hair of all lengths - from the short stubble to the ‘full-blown’ beard. Among these products is our beard balm.
In this blog, we'll address some of the common misconceptions surrounding beard balms that have emerged along with this popularity.

Aermeda -The Beauty Shortlist Awards 2024
Aermeda Awards 2024
We were delighted and very proud to share that the judges of The BeautyShortlist 2024 recognised all our hard work and dedication by awarding us NINE Awards! Two of which were category awards and eight product.

What is Beard Oil?
What is Beard Oil?
Beard Oil is basically a grouping of essential and carrier oils selected to nurture and hydrate your beard AND the skin underneath to help make your beard more comfortable.

Our Sustainable Choices
Sustainability versus Practicality
At Aermeda, introducing a new product line is not a common occurrence and it is a slow, considered process. Firstly, we must be convinced that we can offer the best product possible and that it will align with our values and purpose.

What’s in your lather?
The revelation in reading ingredient labels on some personal care products can be a bit like Shakespeare’s Macbeth!
“Eye of newt, and toe of frog,
Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,
Adder’s fork, and blind-worm’s sting,
Lizard’s leg, and howlet’s wing,…”

Bastille Soap
Bastille soap is closely related to Castille soap. While Castille soap contains 100% olive oil, any cold process soap containing at least 70% olive oil is considered a Bastille soap.
We think Bastille soap is wonderful, as it combines the rich skin soothing qualities of Castile soap, but you still have the cleansing ability and great lather that other oils and butter can provide!

Glycerin in handcrafted soap
To many consumers, bar soap is associated with dry skin. Understandable when commercially produced ‘soap’ are basically synthetic detergents made from a plethora of chemical ingredients that are of little benefit to our skin! They cannot be compared with natural soap bars – artisan bar soaps are highly moisturizing and changing the way people think about real soap.

Colours by nature
What gives Aermeda soaps their colour?
Aermeda colours are derived from natural sources - herbs, plant extracts and clays. We don’t find using natural sources restrain us, neither is the result dull or restrictive. We have a beautiful range of natural colours and, not one soap clashes with another.
Naturally derived coloured clays do not offer the most ‘vibrant’ shades but, they do offer benefits to the skin like helping to cleanse the skin by drawing out impurities. We love using natural clays, with exfoliating or skin-softening benefits, to create subtle and beautiful colours.
We also use powders and spices such as turmeric and cocoa powder - these tend to give a more definite colour than clays.

Changing the shaving narrative
The art of wet shaving is immediately nostalgic and traditionally directed at men and facial hair, the notion that a safety razor is exclusive to men is becoming a thing of the past.

Focus on milk Soap
Having explored many liquid ingredients and the benefits they bring to our soap; Intrigued by the benefits of milk on skin, we made the decision to only make milk soaps.

Aermeda conception - one step at a time
Aermeda was conceived while I was on a walk – a solo hike taking over 5 months and spanning 4250km from Mexico to Canada along the Pacific Crest Trail. The transition from a career in medical research and academia to owning my own creative business was quite literally developed as I walked!